Colorado's most experienced dyslexia tutoring specialists | Spots are limited | Call today: 303.801.7205

Imagine your child with a book in hand, beaming with pride.

Those moments are the best part of our jobs.

There's nothing like the smile on your child's face as they discover they are a capable reader.

Here are their stories as told by our students and their parents:

We are so grateful for the instruction at Dyslexia Rx. Our son completed the reading program with Kathy and after seeing his progress, he opted to enroll in the writing program as well.

He reads quite fluently now and he handles grade-level literature without assistance. He has a great set of tools to decode words that stretch him and most importantly he believes he can navigate any text.

Kathy is a veteran teacher who uses every minute for instruction. She is firm but kind and works with students in an age appropriate manner. Petting her sweet dog was a treat for my son and softened the work time too.

Now, as a middle school student and Dyslexia Rx graduate, he’s proudly navigating his days entirely on his own.

My Son was diagnosed with dyslexia (reading disorder) about 2.5 years ago, he was 7 at the time. We started private tutoring right away to try & help him. He was with a teacher that is specializing in reading disorders and received extra help in his school (private school). About 10 months ago, his teachers in school said that he is not getting to where he should, and recommended we talk to Maggie.

We are so lucky to have met Maggie. Not only that she is an amazing teacher but is also a warm, loving, dedicated person that really cared for my family right away.

She helped our son go from only knowing the alphabet to reading!!! He takes pride of the reader he became and he is so much more confident and happy in school. His school wanted to keep him in 3rd grade, but with his hard work & Maggie’s amazing support and teaching abilities, he was able to move onto 4th grade.

If you are looking for someone to help your child, I highly recommend Maggie.

I have to tell you about a dream my little boy had. It was intense enough that he got scared and crawled into bed with me at 4 AM. In the dream, he was at school and it was all crazy and dangerous. His classroom was the only place he felt safe. Even though you’re his tutor, you were his classroom teacher in the dream.

Getting to his classroom was a challenge though. He had to overcome all kinds of obstacles to get there, including traps and monsters and exploding things, but the most challenging obstacle was walking across a narrow, slippery brick walkway 20 feet in the air.

Suddenly he slipped off the walkway, and you grabbed his hands and pulled him up to safety. It makes me tear up to recount his dream. Obviously it’s such a powerful metaphor for his struggles with dyslexia and how you’ve helped “rescue” him feel safe and confident. I mean… WOW!!

Hey Kathy Root!! Do you remember me?

I’m in my third year of college now studying psychology with a minor in human development and family relations. I love school, I love reading, and I LOVE HELPING PEOPLE!!

Thank you for everything you did for me. Only because of how much time and training, and how much of an opportunity my parents gave to me, is the reason I’ve made it this far academically. Thank you Mrs. Root, for everything you taught me.

- Dyslexia Rx Graduate

There aren’t words for how appreciative we are to have found Maggie! Our son completed the Barton program with her about three years ago, and we couldn’t be happier.

One of my biggest concerns with his initial dyslexia diagnosis was the impact on his self-esteem - however, Maggie did such a terrific job helping him understand that dyslexia is a super power and is something that made him special and unique!

Not only did he learn how to read in a way that made sense to him, but he learned all about grit and perseverance - which is something he defines himself by now. Our son is now in 8th grade, has an A in his English class, and is growing into a confident and articulate young man.

On a personal/parental level, during my first conversation with Maggie, she said she simply wanted me to be his mother and SHE would be his teacher. This brought tears to my eyes, as it had been such a struggle to help him learn to read up until this point (I have no background in education or literacy). The relief that she would be able to help him get to where he needed to be was so great, and I no longer felt alone in the journey. Bring Maggie into your family’s life - you won’t regret it :)

When our son began elementary school he struggled with reading and speech. Even with school interventions and an additional tutor, he was still having trouble to the point that the school requested to test him for a learning disability and we learned that he had a reading disability. My husband and I went to dyslexia workshops put on by the school district and after experiencing for a few hours what my son was experiencing daily I was in tears, but it all made sense.

At this time, we sought out other resources and found Kathy at Dyslexia Rx. What a difference it makes when you are being taught in a way that is geared toward the way you need to learn. Our son started experiencing growth in his reading abilities.

He was growing into a confident reader that didn’t mind reading out loud in front of his peers. His teachers even commented that he shares reading rules with his classmates. He is learning, he is reading, he is becoming confident! We are so thankful for Kathy and Dyslexia Rx.

Thank you for all you have done. You have impacted me so much. I hope we will see each other in the world and talk. I will always remember you.

Our family is very lucky and grateful to have you. I am so glad you said yes, even though you didn’t have any room for me. I would have had a different tutor, and I don’t think I would have liked it.

I have always loved your lessons. Thank you again.

- Dyslexia Rx Graduate

Our daughter completed both the reading and math programs with Kathy at Dyslexia Rx.

She has several learning challenges that make it tough for her to learn in a traditional classroom setting, and she struggled academically as early as preschool. By the time she was in second grade, still reading at a kindergarten level and unable to grasp Base Ten math concepts, we knew she needed academic intervention beyond what was available through her school.

We were referred to Kathy by a friend of ours, whose daughter faced similar learning challenges, but was improving by leaps and bounds thanks to her sessions with Kathy. After talking with our friends, and with Kathy, we were immediately drawn to the program. We liked that the curriculum involved multiple learning styles, including sensory learning, which allowed our daughter to explore all of the different elements of letters and numbers, and process the information in a way that made more sense to her.

It took a few months, but then we started to see drastic improvement. By the time she finished the program (at the end of fourth grade), she was finally reading at grade level, and was able to understand math elements above and beyond what was being taught in her class.

We definitely got push-back from our daughter about having to go to tutoring so often, and for so long. But even she admits that Kathy was a great teacher, and she’s glad she did it. It was definitely a large investment, but we would do it again in a heartbeat.

My son began working with Maggie Pike when he was in the 2nd grade. The school had completely failed him and would not give him access to the reading specialist. They said his special needs teacher had to address his reading struggles - unfortunately, his special education teacher had no specialized training in teaching children with dyslexia how to read.

I found Maggie, thankfully. At the time we began working with Maggie, my son was resistant to reading and writing because it was hard and frustrating. During my son's two plus years with Maggie, he experienced her specialized skill, unending patience, blessed kindness... and the world of reading and writing was opened up to him.

My son loved going to see Maggie, and still speaks of her fondly years later. He is reading independently now and writing short stories. I feared I would never see that happen for him, but Maggie blessed us with her amazing ability to connect and teach. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone looking to help their child. In the words of my sweet child, "She's a great teacher... she helped me read!"

Maggie Pike was Amazing! I started tutoring with her in 2nd grade.

I learned to decode words by breaking them down into smaller parts and sounding them out. Maggie taught me prefixes and suffixes. I learned to spell, read and write better as well as improve comprehension.

I really looked forward to learning from her, and getting candy at the end of my sessions was a bonus. I am a more confident person and an honor roll student because of Maggie!

- Dyslexia Rx Graduate

When we uncovered that our grade school son had dyslexia, it was suggested that we find a tutor. We didn’t know where to begin to find a certified reliable tutor, so we started by asking friends, only to find out that one of our friends’ daughter also had dyslexia and she was being tutored by Maggie Pike.

My husband and I met with Maggie, not knowing what to ask. She shared her strategic tutoring program with us and to our delight, she was the perfect fit for our son. He started working with her right way.

He started with limited interest in reading, and by the time he graduated from her courses, he gained the love of reading and a vast vocabulary. He is now a high schooler and has been an honor roll student since middle school.

We are forever grateful for Maggie and we couldn’t imagine what it would be like for him (and us) if he hadn’t gained the knowledge he has forever in his literary tool box.

Maggie, you were an instrumental part of changing the course of Patrick’s life (inside & out of school) and we all appreciate it more than you will every know! We are proud parents!

Kathy is such a wonderful tutor and develops a real connection with the kids. She worked with both our children and gave them the confidence to become excellent readers! Her strategies ensure kids understand language and how to make it work for them. In addition to reading they improved their spelling and writing skills.

Multiple teachers have commended my children for their growth and have asked them to share their strategies that they learned from Miss Kathy with the whole class! We will remain forever grateful for all she has done for our kids.

Finding Maggie was a life changer for our family. Not only does my son understand his dyslexia, but he’s proud of it. She helped us and my son learn the skills he needed to read (at an advanced level) and get his confidence in reading back.

He started with Maggie’s tutoring program way behind the other kids in his class and absolutely hated reading. Maggie played a huge role in shaping his future and I don’t know what we would have done without her.

Best teacher I ever had!

If it wasn’t for my tutoring I don’t think I would be doing so well in school and getting ready to go to college.

- Dyslexia Rx Graduate

We are so Grateful we found Maggie!

When our daughter was in second grade she was unable to read. She was diagnosed with Dyslexia. Schools can only provide so much help and are not trained in Dyslexia-focused reading methods. With Maggie’s caring and supportive learning program she helped our daughter to learn to read at grade level quickly.

Our daughter is now a senior in high school, thriving and getting ready to go off to College next year!

A couple of years ago our daughter was having an extremely difficult time reading. It was determined that she had a language-based reading disorder called dyslexia. Although we encouraged her reading, we didn’t have the necessary resources to help her.

Then, Ms. Root entered our lives. Ms. Root is a former teacher who tutors children with the Orton-Gillingham / Barton method of building reading skills with dyslexia students. Under Ms. Root’s tutelage, our daughter’s reading comprehension, spelling, and writing skills all improved significantly. Even her teachers commented on her improved reading capabilities. We feel Ms. Root’s strategies and skills were instrumental in our daughter’s continued success.

We are so impressed with Ms. Root that, although our daughter has successfully completed the program, we currently have Ms. Root tutor her concerning other challenges.

We sincerely recommend Ms. Root if your child has dyslexia reading problems. She creates a safe, confident, encouraging, caring environment for children.

We simply had to share what an incredible and indelible impact you had on our son. You truly changed his life forever, and I want you to specifically know (and I hope… cherish) that he knows it too.

He’s a super sharp kid, as you well know, and he can very easily divide his life into pre and post Dyslexia Rx and seems to truly grasp the gravity of your impact on his life. It is heartwarming and impossible to express a significant enough degree of gratitude to you. My, what a future he has ahead of him. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you.

Maggie knew just how to expertly handle my son's needs. She supported him through his dyslexia and played a huge role in his success! She’s the most awesome tutor in the world!! I was always impressed with how she was so sweet, kind, nurturing, and yet firm with my stubborn little guy, who is now over 6 feet tall!!

You are the best tutor in the world. I love you so much.

- Dyslexia Rx Graduate

Maggie has been instrumental in helping our daughter overcome her dyslexia and building her confidence in reading. Before Dyslexia Rx our daughter loathed reading time, it took so much energy to sound everything out, and then she didn’t enjoy the story because she wasn’t focused on the content. Our daughter now reads with ease and has come to enjoy sitting down with a good book!

From the deepest part of my heart…Thank you! You’ve pulled our daughter out of a sad, dark hole with your encouragement, tough love, and belief in her. I’m so appreciative to you for everything you’ve done to help our sweet girl. You have truly changed her life and for that I’m forever grateful. You will never be forgotten!

In 10 months working with Kathy our daughter's reading and writing skills have improved exponentially. We've seen her scores at school go from below grade level to excelling above average. Not only have we seen her academics improve, but this has boosted her confidence.

Kathy has always been consistent and reliable to work with. She has never canceled and is always right on time. I can tell she truly cares about her students and the impact she is making in their lives.

Many people’s lives take them down many different paths. Kathy Root is proof of this and then some. She has met many people and seen many places. She has had many jobs and many experiences. Most importantly she changes the lives of children with learning disabilities every day.

- Dyslexia Rx Graduate

Your child's story is yet to be written.

Parents often come to us feeling helpless as their child struggles and slips between the cracks in school. Let's rewrite that story so you can witness your precious one become a capable reader and confident learner for life.

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Learn five practical steps you can take starting today to help your child navigate homework time, minimize meltdowns, and find a peaceful groove at home.


The first step in getting started with tutoring is to have a quick intro call with a specialist.

Dyslexia Rx is located in Centennial, CO. We currently serve our students onsite locally. If you need tutoring elsewhere or remotely, we are happy to provide you with a referral.

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