Colorado's most experienced dyslexia tutoring specialists | Spots are limited | Call today: 303.801.7205

Your child can become a confident reader and learner.

We help students with dyslexia achieve grade level reading so they can thrive in school and life.

We provide specialized tutoring for children with dyslexia whose learning needs are not being met by traditional teaching methods, so they can catch up with their class and become confident learners and capable achievers.

You've seen your child struggle for long enough. At last, the solution is here.

Have an intro call

We'll discuss your goals as well as any concerns you have, and we'll share with you what you can expect when working with us.

Meet your tutor in person

We'll invite you to our office to meet us in person, answer any remaining questions, and ensure we are the right fit for you and your child.

Begin tutoring sessions

Your child will begin their journey toward reading confidence with regularly scheduled tutoring sessions twice (or more) weekly.

Does your child display these telltale warning signs of dyslexia?

If not properly addressed, living with dyslexia can cause unneccesary struggle throughout every stage of life. If a child has 3 or more of the following warning signs, it is imporant to learn more about dyslexia and take pro-active steps now.

Dyslexia Signals in Preschool
  • delayed speech
  • mixing up the sounds and syllables in long words
  • chronic ear infections
  • severe reactions to childhood illnesses
  • constant confusion of left versus right
  • late establishing a dominant hand
  • difficulty learning to tie shoes
  • trouble memorizing their address, phone number, or the alphabet
  • can't create words that rhyme
  • a close relative with dyslexia
Dyslexia Signals in Elementary School
  • dysgraphia (slow, non-automatic handwriting that is difficult to read)
  • letter or number reversals continuing past the end of first grade
  • extreme difficulty learning cursive
  • slow, choppy, inaccurate reading - guesses based on shape or context, skips or misreads prepositions (at, to, of), ignores suffixes, can't sound out unknown words
  • terrible spelling
  • often can't remember sight words (they, were, does) or homophones (their, they're, and there)
  • difficulty telling time on a clock with hands
  • trouble with math - memorizing multiplication tables, memorizing a sequence of steps, directionality
  • when speaking, difficulty finding the correct word - lots of "whatyamacallits" and "thingies," common sayings come out slightly twisted
  • extremely messy bedroom, backpack, and desk
  • dreads going to school - complains of stomach aches or headaches, may have nightmares about school
Dyslexia Signals in High School

All of the above symptoms plus:

  • limited vocabulary
  • extremely poor written expression
  • large discrepancy between verbal skills and written compositions
  • unable to master a foreign language
  • difficulty reading printed music
  • poor grades in many classes
  • may drop out of high school
Dyslexia Signals in Adulthood

Education history similar to above, plus:

  • slow reader
  • may have to read a page 2 or 3 times to understand it
  • terrible speller
  • difficulty putting thoughts onto paper
  • dreads writing memos or letters
  • still has difficulty with right versus left
  • often gets lost, even in a familiar city
  • sometimes confuses b and d, especially when tired or sick

This list of Warning Signs of Dyslexia is provided through the website of Susan Barton, the founder of Bright Solutions for Dyslexia, LLC (US Copyright © 2002 by Susan Barton, All Rights Reserved).

No matter the starting point, your child can grow by leaps and bounds.

Our son reads quite fluently now and handles grade-level literature without assistance. He has a great set of tools to decode words that stretch him and most importantly he believes he can navigate any text.

Our son is now in 8th grade, has an A in his English class, and is growing into a confident and articulate young man!

When our daughter was in second grade she was unable to read. At Dyslexia Rx she learned to read at grade level quickly. Now she is a senior in high school, thriving and getting ready to go off to college next year!

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5 Day Parent's Survival Guide!

Learn five practical steps you can take starting today to help your child navigate homework time, minimize meltdowns, and find a peaceful groove at home.


The first step in getting started with tutoring is to have a quick intro call with a specialist.

Dyslexia Rx is located in Centennial, CO. We currently serve our students onsite locally. If you need tutoring elsewhere or remotely, we are happy to provide you with a referral.

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