Colorado's most experienced dyslexia tutoring specialists | Spots are limited | Call today: 303.801.7205

The first step in getting started with tutoring is to have a quick intro call with a specialist.

When we meet, we'll discuss your goals as well as any concerns you have, and we'll share with you what you can expect when working with us.

Call us today at 303.810.7205

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5 Day Parent's Survival Guide!

Learn five practical steps you can take starting today to help your child navigate homework time, minimize meltdowns, and find a peaceful groove at home.


The first step in getting started with tutoring is to have a quick intro call with a specialist.

Dyslexia Rx is located in Centennial, CO. We currently serve our students onsite locally. If you need tutoring elsewhere or remotely, we are happy to provide you with a referral.

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